Countdown Three Weeks!

Hey! This is 4th semester already. Such a long time since the last post. Lately I've been busy writing some articles and a crowd-college-activity. Actually I have ideas to write about, but I don't have the willingness to start writing them. Argh. I do want to share them with you. But this is THREE WEEKS BEFORE THREE EXAMS!

I'm so stressed! Why couldn't I focus on my study. Should leave this "laziness" and "sleepiness" syndrome while reading asap.

And oh why still I sit down here and do this blog -____-

Okay. Firstly, calm down. Then make a list of subjects, make a schedule to study, and obey it!
Second, you must fully concentrate while reading. Read and review.
Third, consume healthy food and beverage. Drink milk everyday!
Last, believe and pray. 

Actually I never apply what I write on this post before. ha ha ha
But I'm sure you can do it better than me.
Fighting! It's only THREE WEEKS. Yes, you can, Mut! :)

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