
Showing posts from May, 2013


You know, there's distance between hard work and success . The distance may be one centimeters or thousands miles. It can be reached within seconds or years. And this distance only can be filled by patience . picture source :

the problem is you think you have enough time

2013 sudah berjalan seperempatnya. Aku mengingat kembali resolusi 2013-ku. Kemudian aku merasa gagal. Ya, gagal. Awal tahun, aku bertekad untuk memanfaatkan waktu sebaik mungkin. Tapi nyatanya? Aku masih saja menghabiskan waktuku untuk hal-hal yang tidak bermanfaat. Aku menghabiskan rata-rata 2 jam per hari untuk social media seperti twitter, instagram, blog, path, tumblr, facebook, line, dll. Bahkan lebih dari 2 jam di hari libur. Semacam adiksi. Aku tidak puas jika belum membuka social media itu. Padahal tidak banyak manfaat yang kudapat. Parahnya, aku tahu itu tapi tidak kunjung bosan untuk selalu membukanya. Padahal, semester IV adalah salah satu semester terpadat. Semester IV dipenuhi materi yang lebih sulit, ujian lebih sulit, keterampilan medik lebih sulit, tugas proposal penelitian juga ada di semester ini. Belum lagi aku menjadi ketua divisi dana usaha, kami berkewajiban mencari dana untuk sebuah kegiatan kampus yang berskala nasional. Bukannya mengeluh aku hanya terlalu

Give Me One More Chance

When I like a song, I play it over and over. Repeat mode is on. And now I'm in love with a song. Maybe you never heard this song. But I do love the vocal and harmony! :D The person who sing the song neither a top foreign singer nor American idol winner. He is Indonesian. He is one of creative people who created their own song! The title of the song is "Give Me One More Chance" . Listen the song here ^_^ I like the song and lyrics. It expresses my feeling. The part I love the most: "...Forgive my mistake and give me one more chance...." Now, I really need one more chance. One more chance to make life better. One more chance to be a better daughter, better student, better girl. One more chance to be a leader who can coordinate their members and do their duty very well. One more chance to fix my failed subjects. One more chance to repair my bad time management. One more chance to read more, learn more, and hear more.