
Had a long sharing time with my awesome friend today. We were talking about many thing. But I wanna tell you one point that open my mind.

She has a boyfriend, long distance relationship though. One day her boyfriend asked her opinion about polygamy. No, no, it didn't mean that her boyfriend has an affair. Both of them just loved to discuss about each other opinions on something. You know, what was her answer? Then she answered,

"Dalam Islam, poligami itu diperbolehkan. Asal, suami bisa berlaku adil. Adil bukan cuma materi lho ya, tapi kasih sayang, sikap, perhatian, banyak hal. Dan adil itu nggak gampang. Setahuku hanya Allah dan Nabi Muhammad yang bisa adil."

Somehow I like her answer. Simple, but represent everything. As a woman, being the only one is a best thing she wanted to be. It's not that easy seeing someone she truly love, loves other woman too. Even fake smile, warm hugs, and nice words she made everyday, she kept crying loud inside.

So, I told you all husband-wannabe, never think to do polygamy. Or you'll hurt someone forever.

Picture source: www.amazingviewscabinrentals.com


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